Mowen's Corner


On my livestream you will mostly see me playing League of Legends. I rarely play anything else on my computer worth livestreaming, and I am doubtful people will want to watch me playing Zoo Tycoon... SO! When I play I typically play games with my friends and don't take it too seriously, but I do OCCASIONALLY play some ranked games... but don't count on it! :P Sorry if you want to hear me at all you will have to listen to me being Darth Vader and muttering random nonsense. Own3d does not have a way to make my mic push to talk as far as I can tell, if you know a way, please inform me!

League of Legends:

I played DotA for about a year and a half and then dropped it for a while. My friends got me into League of Legends and I fell in love with moba's all over again. For League I usually focus on support characters, and I feel like they are my strongest role. I also am good at playing casters and some tanks. If you see me playing a melee dps, better watch out! Because I will probably feed and fail. My most played characters are Zilean, Janna, Shen, Anivia, Kog'Maw, Vladimir, and Galio.

I mostly stalk the MobaFire forums, and I have made a guide there for Zilean. I detail a lot of the playstyle of support Zilean and some general rules of thumb for the game. I feel like this is a guide that can be used by both new and experienced players. The link is below.

Zilean Guide

About Myself:

I am a 3rd year in University and I major in Industrial Design. I enjoy art very much and draw/paint digitally as a hobby. I am also a blackbelt in Karate and I am currently attending classes for Capoeira. Other martial arts classes I've attended include Kung Fu, Tai Chi, and Aikido.

My Deviantart Page

I have been playing videogames since I was very young, and I fell in love with them. I used to love RPG's on consoles but now I mostly enjoy multiplayer games on PC. I used to play World of Warcraft and raided in Wrath of the Lich King as a Resto Shaman and completed 10 man heroic Lich King with my guild. Now I have canceled my subscription because of the fact I would usually rather play League and a raiding schedule can get tiresome after a while. Other games I enjoy greatly are Viva Pinata, Darksiders, all the classic games like Zelda / Super Mario bros, Pokemon, Harvest Moon, and Final Fantasy. I think my favorite game of all time was Silicon Valley, I felt like it was very original in it's concept and very fun.


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